What is a Group of Crows Called? 

Crows are smart birds known for their intelligence, but people often overlook this because they are afraid of their black feathers and association with death. They are found on all continents except Antarctica. They are usually seen in groups, but what is a group of crows called? 

What is a Flock of Crows Called? 

The names for groups of crows date back to the Middle Ages and are still used today. A group of crows is called a “Murder” or “Flock“. A murder of crows meaning “large group of crows”, while flock of crows mean “small gathering of crows”. 

The most common names for a group of crows are a murder, a mob, and a horde. Crow is the common name for the Corvus genus, which includes crows, ravens, jays, and magpies. These birds are collectively known as corvids. 

group of crows flock of crows
what is a flock of crows called
what do you call a group of crows?
what is a group of crows called
what is the group of crows called

Crows are social birds that live in big families and gather in large numbers. The most common name for a group of crows is murder, which may sound scary, but research shows that they are caring and social creatures. 

There isn’t a specific number of birds needed to call them a flock, it depends on how they behave. Since crows usually gather in big groups, just a few of them together wouldn’t be called a murder. When a large group of crows gathers, it’s called a murder of crows. 

Why is a Group of Crows Called Murders?  

Crows gather in large groups and act together, which is why they are called murder of crows. This term dates to the late 16th century and likely comes from Old Norse. They are smart birds that work as a team to protect themselves and their space. There are many reasons why groups of crows are called murder, including stories and beliefs. 

Myths & Folk Tales 

In crow folklore, it is believed that crows gather in groups to decide the fate of another crow. This idea likely originated from their habit of gathering on the ground. They are often seen eating dead animals and other birds. 

Crows hold trials to punish misbehaving members of their flock. While this has not been proven, crows do sometimes attack weak or injured crows that enter their territory during fights. 

Bad Omen 

Crows have long been thought to bring bad luck because they are scavenger birds. In the past, people often saw large groups of crows and thought their behavior was mysterious or bad. They believed it brought bad luck and was connected to death and sadness. 

Murder of crows meaning
what is a flock of crows called
what do you call a group of crows?
what is a group of crows called
what is the group of crows called

Some believe they circle above places where death will occur soon. They are often seen in places like cemeteries and battlefields, where death is common. This led to negative beliefs and superstitions about them. 

Animal Behavior 

Crows are called a ‘murder’ due to their scavenging behavior. They are often seen eating dead animals and other birds. This has made people connect crows with death, and seeing a crow on a dark evening can still scare some people. 


Birds and scavengers have often been featured in poetry and fiction, such as the raven in Edgar Allan Poe’s poem, symbolizing death and regret. 

Collective nouns, like murder for crows, were created in medieval times. They were colorful and poetic, reflecting the group’s qualities. This tradition can be seen with other animals like owls, foxes, and peacocks

Why do Crows Flock Together in Large Groups?  

Crows gather in large groups called murders for safety, protection, and coordination when hunting or searching for food. Roosting together at night helps them stay warm and protect each other from predators. 

The large flock of crows provides protection and alerts others to potential threats. They also work together to protect their young from predators like cats, eagles, and hawks. The bigger the murder, the better they are at responding quickly to threats.  

what is a group of crows is called
what is a flock of crows called
what do you call a group of crows?
what is a group of crows called
what is the group of crows called

Each crow in the flock has a role – some scout while others stay back to warn of predators. Their loud calls in the morning are not just noise, but a way for them to communicate and stay organized. Crows are known for their intelligence and ability to learn quickly, giving them an advantage in nature. 

When do Crows Gather in Large Groups? 

Crows are social and often gather in large groups, especially in the evening before sunset. This is called a communal roost, where they rest and socialize after a day of searching for food. In winter, crows prefer these roosts more because of the cold and shorter days. 

Besides roosting together, crows also gather in big groups when there’s lots of food available, like ripe fruits or scraps. This helps them find food and strengthen their social bonds. 

How Many Crows are There in a Flock?  

Crows roost together in big groups at night for safety and warmth. In the evening, crows go to their communal roosts. These roosts can have a few dozen to thousands of birds. 

In the breeding season, crows are in family groups with 2 parents and many young birds. In fall and winter, they roost in big groups, sometimes hundreds of them. 

Names for a Group of Crows  

Here is list of names for group of crows. 

  • Brood 
  • Caldron  
  • Cawcus  
  • Cawldron  
  • Cawlection 
  • Cawroboree 
  • Cowardice 
  • Hoard 
  • Hover 
  • Murmuration 
  • Muster 
  • Rookery 
  • Horde 

Other names for groups of crows include clamor, graveyard, company, labor, and parcel. These all refer to when crows gather in one place to look for food. 

Benefits of Crows in Groups 

Crows are smart and adaptable birds that live in groups called murders. They work together to survive, find food and safe flight routes. Cooperation is important for their success. Being in a group helps them attract mates and create good conditions for breeding. They can also protect their young better by working together. This shows how clever and resourceful crows are. 

What Does it Mean When You See a Flock of Crows? 

Many people think crows are bad signs in spiritual beliefs and is connected to death and sadness. But some people think that Crows symbolize positive things like destiny, intelligence, fearlessness, and adaptability. Crows also come together for various reasons, such as roosting, grieving, staying warm, feeling in danger, or traveling. 

group of crow is called
what is a flock of crows called
what do you call a group of crows?
what is a group of crows called
what is the group of crows called

Why are Crows Linked to Murder? 

Crows are omnivorous birds that scavenge for food. They are often found near battlefields, gallows, and hospitals, looking for dead animals to eat. Because of this, people think of crows as spooky and a sign of death. 

 Crows Fast Facts 

  • Ravens, magpies, and jays are like crows and belong to the Corvid family. The Corvus genus includes common American crows, ravens, rooks, and other animals. 
  • Crows can be found on every continent except Antarctica. 
  • Crows are the most intelligent birds. 


Crows are smart and social animals with interesting behaviors. They live in close groups and show care for each other. Knowing the special names for crow groups like murders helps us to understand them better. When you see a group of crows, remember they represent friendship and teamwork in the bird world, not just death. 

How Many Species of Crows are There? 

There are many types of crows, with over 40 species in the corvus genus. Crows are common birds found in many different places around the world. These birds can vary in size, from small to large. 

What Habitat do Crows Live in? 

Crows inhabit many places around the world, like Asia, Europe, North America, Africa, Australia, and islands in the Pacific. They don’t live in the Arctic or Antarctic because of extreme weather conditions. 

What do Crows Eat?  

Crows eat dead animals like roadkill, battlefield bodies, and carcasses from bigger predators. They also eat insects, grubs, frogs, snails, slugs, snakes, mice, corn, and human food leftovers. They have a big appetite and eat about 10 ounces of food daily, which is a lot for their size. 

Are Crows Smart? 

Birds like crows, ravens, parrot and jays are known as the smartest birds. Crows are very smart and social birds known for their intelligence and problem-solving skills. They can use tools, play tricks, and learn new skills. 

Can Crows Talk Like Parrots? 

Yes, Crows can talk like parrots by mimicking words and sounds they hear by using their syrinx. Crows are also good at mimicking human speech too. 

What to Call a Group of Two Crows? 

Crows usually gather in big groups, so only a few of them together is not called a murder. They prefer to be in larger crowds. 

What do You Call a Group of Crows?

A group of crows is called a “murder.” This unusual name has been used for centuries, though its exact origin is unclear. Despite the ominous term, crows are actually very social and intelligent birds.

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