What is a Group of Ducks Called? 

Ducks often gather in large numbers at a pond or lake, making a lot of noise and flapping their wings. It’s interesting to watch them and wonder how they interact with each other. These groups can have hundreds or even thousands of ducks. Have you ever thought about what is a group of ducks called?  

In this guide we will discuss whats a group of ducks called and the different names for groups of ducks and explore their behavior and communication. 

What is a Group of Ducks Called what is a flock of ducks called what's a group of ducks called

Different names for groups of ducks show how ducks can adapt to different environments and do well both on water and land. Ducks like being with other ducks.  

Some of the ducks group names are given below: 


A group of ducks on water is called a Raft because they stay close together, resembling a floating object. It’s fun to watch a raft of ducks on a pond or lake. 


When ducks swim together in a group, it’s called Paddling. A paddling can have a few ducks or hundreds of them. Ducks show great teamwork when paddling, staying close for safety and food.  


A group of ducks is called Badling that swim, quack, and fly together. They don’t have a leader, but they all watch out for each other.  


A group of ducks walking together on land is called a Waddling. The term comes from the way ducks walk, swaying their round bodies from side to side. Ducks use this formation for safety and protection when not swimming. A waddling can include adult ducks or ducklings following their mother in a line. 


A group of ducks is called a Team. Ducks walk or swim together in a team, moving in sync and showing coordinated behavior.  


Ducks like to stick together in groups called Flocks. They stay close to each other for safety and social reasons. When you see a bunch of ducks swimming together, that’s a flock.  


Skein is a name commonly used for a group of ducks or geese flying in a V-shape. The word skein used to mean a piece of yarn or wool. It comes from the V shape that flying ducks make. 

What is a Group of Ducks Called what is a flock of ducks called what's a group of ducks called

Why are Ducks Group Together? 

Ducks stick together in groups to stay safe from predators and find mates and food. Being in a group helps them spot danger and confuse predators, making it easier for everyone in the flock to survive. 

Social birds 

Ducks are social birds that like to be in groups. They interact and connect with each other in many ways, like showing off during courtship and grooming each other gently. Ducks rely on each other for finding food and traveling long distances during migration, showing how smart they are socially. These social behaviors help ducks survive and stay healthy. 

Food Availability 

Ducks group together to find food and stay safe. They share information about where to find the best food. Ducks can find food more easily by searching for insects, plants, and small aquatic creatures together. They create ripples in the water to uncover food hidden below. Each duck has a role in this teamwork.  By cooperating, ducks increase their chances of surviving challenges.  

Safety from Predators 

Ducks stick together for safety and unity. When they sense danger from predators, they come together to protect each other. By swimming and moving together, they create a strong defense. Their teamwork shows how important it is to support each other in tough times.  

What is a Group of Ducks Called what is a flock of ducks called what's a group of ducks called


Most ducks are monogamous for one season, but they find new partners each year. Male ducks perform dances and calls to impress female ducks. The females pick their favorite drake based on these displays and other factors. Once a pair forms, they work together to raise their offspring. 

Other Names for a Group of Ducks 

Here is the list of names that are used for group of ducks 

  • Fleet 
  • Twack 
  • Bevy  
  • Badelynge 
  • Badelyng 
  • Pack 
  • Plump  
  • Flight 
  • Flush 
  • Game 
  • Gang 
  • Knob 
  • Leash (Three Ducks) 
  • Pryde 
  • Puddle 
  • Smeath 
  • Sore 
  • Suce 
  • Trip 
  • Wabbling 
  • Wedge 
  • Bunch 
  • Clutch 
  • Daggle 

How Often Do Ducks Group Together? 

Ducks are very social animals; they join big flocks with other water birds when it’s not mating season. But during mating season, they become more protective of their partners and territories. After mating season, they become more friendly and form larger groups with other waterfowl. Sometimes, male ducks form groups during mating season due to a lack of female ducks. This helps them find companionship. 

How to Spot a Group of Ducks? 

Birdwatchers can easily observe groups of ducks at their local pond. Ducks are social birds that gather in large groups for safety and companionship. They can adapt to small lakes or ponds for foraging and nesting. Groups of ducks can also be seen near rivers, lakes, or streams. Winter is a good time for duck watching as resident ducks are joined by migratory visitors. Large groups of ducks, including different species, can be seen together on open waters.  

How Many Ducks Are in a Flock? 

The size of duck flocks varies depending on factors like food availability and habitat space. Ducks gather in flocks due to their social nature and need for safety. Flocks can range from a few ducks to thousands. Wild ducks often gather in groups of 10 to 25 but can also form larger flocks during migration. Domestic ducks are usually seen in groups of 5 to 15

Note: Living in large flocks can lead to the spread of diseases like Avian Cholera, which can be transmitted through contact or contaminated food and water. 

What is a Group of Baby Ducks Called? 

A bunch of ducklings is called a Brood because mother ducks take care of them until they hatch. The term brood is often used for young ducks. Adult ducks in the brood protect and care for the young ones as they grow. Ducks lay many eggs in a season, so they can have several broods in one breeding season. 

What is a Group of Ducks Called what is a flock of ducks called what's a group of ducks called

What is a Pair of Ducks Called? 

A Brace is a term for two ducks. This word is used in hunting for ducks and comes from Old English. Ducks form pairs during breeding season and like to travel in pairs for safety and to find food easily.  

Can All Ducks Fly? 

Ducks can fly depending on their body shape and wings. Domestic ducks, like American Pekin, Rouen, and Indian Runner ducks, cannot fly because they are heavy and have weak wings. These ducks only glide. On the other hand, ducks like Mallards and Pintails are fast fliers and can take off almost straight up. 

What Is a Group of Mallards Ducks Called? 

The group of Mallard ducks is called a “Sord”. It comes from the Middle English word “Sorde”, which means “to fly up”. 

What Is a Group of Wood Ducks Called? 

A group of Wood ducks is called “Flush”. 

Why do Ducks and Other Birds Fly Together? 

Ducks and other social birds fly together in groups to stay safe from predators and reach their destination. Flying in a group helps them spot predators easily and stay on track. It also allows them to take advantage of air currents and travel more efficiently. 

Do Different Groups of Ducks have Unique Names? 

Duck groups have different names based on their activities or location. A pair of ducks is called a Brace, while a group of ducks flying together is called a Skein.  

What do Ducks Eat? 

Ducks enjoy eating different foods besides their regular feed. Food like bananas, pears, grapes, and apples can help keep them healthy. Ducks also like grains such as rice, wheat, barley, and peas, which give them energy and help them fly. Vegetables like cantaloupe, beans, tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, cucumbers, and carrots provide vitamins and minerals that help them stay healthy. 

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