Top 15 Ugliest Birds in the World  

Nature has gifted us with many beautiful birds, but not all birds are blessed with good looks. Some feathered friends might make you do a double-take!

In this article, we’ll explore the Ugliest Birds in the World that prove beauty is in the eye of the beholder. From odd beaks to strange feathers, these birds show that Mother Nature has a quirky sense of humor.  

The Ugliest Birds in the World

Here is the list of the top 15 world’s ugliest birds: 

Marabou Stork 

The Marabou Stork is also called the “Undertaker bird,” and is considered one of the ugliest birds in the world. This large wading bird is native to sub-Saharan Africa and is 5 feet tall. It has a featherless head and neck, a pinkish “air sac” hanging from its neck, and a massive yellowish-gray bill. 

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 The bird’s body is covered in dull grayish-white feathers, and it has long skinny legs. Marabou Storks inhabit wetlands, savannas, and open areas near human settlements. 

Marabou Storks are scavengers that eat dead animals, garbage, and sometimes smaller creatures. Many people consider them one of the ugliest birds in the world. Despite their looks, Marabou Storks are important for the environment as they help clean up decaying matter. 


The Shoebill, also known as the whalehead or shoe-billed stork, is considered one of the ugliest birds in the world due to its unusual appearance. This large ugly bird has a massive shoe-shaped bill that gives it its name.  

The bill is bluish-gray and can grow up to 20 to 25 cm long and 10 to 15 cm wide, dominating the bird’s face. Shoebills have grayish-blue feathers, long legs, and large feet, standing up to 1.5 meters tall with a wingspan of up to 2.6 meters. 

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Shoebills inhabit the swamps and marshes of East Africa. They are solitary birds, known for their patience and stillness while hunting. Shoebills feed on fish, but also consume snakes, turtles, and small crocodiles. 

The Shoebill is often called one of the ugliest birds because of its scary look and grumpy face. Its big, heavy bill and constant stare can seem threatening.  

The Shoebill is often called one of the ugliest birds, but its unique features make it an important species in African wetlands. It’s strange appearance has attracted birdwatchers and wildlife lovers from around the world, showing that even ugly birds can be fascinating. 

California Condor 

California Condor’s strange appearance, large size, and scavenging habits often put it on ugly bird lists. It is a large vulture found in North America with a wingspan of up to 9.8 feet. Its physical characteristics contribute to its reputation as a big ugly bird.  

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the ugliest bird in the world
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The condor’s small, pinkish-orange head and neck appear small compared to its bulky body. Its featherless head, while unattractive to some, serves a practical purpose in feeding. The bird’s plumage is mostly black with white patches under the wings visible during flight. 

California Condors are one of the ugliest birds in the world that inhabit rocky, forested areas and nest in caves or crevices on cliff faces. These scavengers play a crucial role in their ecosystem by feeding on carrion, helping to clean up animal carcasses. Many people consider condors to be among the ugliest birds, even though they play an important role in the ecosystem.  

Turkey Vulture 

Turkey Vulture has a featherless, red head and neck which contrast sharply with its dark brown body plumage. Its beak is short, hooked, and pale in color, adapted for tearing flesh. The Turkey Vulture’s face appears wrinkled, adding to its perceived ugliness.  

Turkey Vultures live throughout the Americas, from southern Canada to South America. They prefer open and semi-open areas, including subtropical forests, shrublands, and even urban settings. 

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the ugliest bird in the world
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These ugly birds are known for their excellent sense of smell which they use to locate carrion – their primary food source. They often soar on thermals, using their keen eyesight to spot potential meals. 

The Turkey Vulture is called one of the ugliest birds for its bare head. Despite its looks, the Turkey Vulture is important for the environment because it cleans up dead animals and helps stop the spread of disease. 

Greater Adjutant 

The Greater Adjutant is considered one of the ugliest birds in the world due to its unusual appearance. It has a massive thick bill, a naked head and neck, and a large inflatable pouch hanging from its neck. The bird’s body is grayish with a white underside and dark wings. Its head is bald and pinkish with sparse hair-like feathers, giving it a rather reptilian look.  

The Greater Adjutant lives in wetlands, dumps, and cities in Southeast Asia. It’s often seen scavenging in garbage dumps and near human settlements. 

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the ugliest bird in the world
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People consider the Greater Adjutant one of the ugliest birds because of its messy look and strange features. Its large body, bare head, and neck create an unsettling appearance. The pouch hanging from its neck is used during mating displays but also makes it look odd. Despite its important ecological role as a scavenger, the Greater Adjutant’s appearance and habits lead people to regard it as one of the world’s ugliest bird species. 

Andean Condor 

The Andean Condor is a massive vulture native to South America. This big ugly bird has a wingspan that can reach up to 10 feet, making it one of the largest flying birds on Earth. Its appearance contributes to its reputation as an ugly bird with a bald head and neck that can change color based on its emotional state.  

The condor’s body is covered in black feathers contrasting sharply with a distinctive white ruff around its neck and patches on its wings.  

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the ugliest bird in the world
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Andean Condors inhabit the Andes Mountains, soaring at high altitudes and nesting on steep cliffs.  These ugliest birds in the world are scavengers feeding on carrion. They play a crucial role in their ecosystem by cleaning up carcasses.  

The condor often appears on lists of the ugliest birds because of its large size, bald head, and sharp beak for tearing meat. These traits suit its way of life but make it look unappealing to many.  

Muscovy Duck 

The Muscovy Duck is a large waterfowl species with distinctive physical characteristics. These big ugly birds can weigh up to 15 pounds and measure 30 inches in length. Their most notable feature is the red, warty caruncles covering their face which contribute to their unappealing appearance.  

Muscovy Ducks have bulky bodies, broad wings, and a long flat tail. Their plumage is black with white patches though domesticated varieties can display various color combinations. 

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the ugliest bird in the world
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Muscovy Ducks are native to Central and South America. They live in many places like wetlands, forests, and urban areas. They are known for their quiet nature, rarely quacking like other ducks. They communicate with hisses and soft chirps. Muscovy Ducks are excellent foragers, feeding on plants, small fish, and insects. 

People often call Muscovy Ducks ugly because of their unusual looks. Males have large, red, fleshy growths on their faces which make them look strange. Their heads are big compared to their bodies and they waddle awkwardly on land. 

Muscovy Ducks are appreciated for their meat and are commonly raised by people despite being considered one of the ugliest birds. Their unique looks help them attract mates and recognize their species in the wild. 


The Frogmouth is a nocturnal bird found in Southeast Asia and Australia. This big bird has a wide, flattened beak and huge mouth that resembles a frog. Frogmouths measure 9 to 21 inches in length and have a thick body with a big head that looks too large for their size. Their plumage is mottled brown, gray, and black, providing excellent camouflage against tree bark.  

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the ugliest bird in the world
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Frogmouths inhabit forests and woodlands spending their days perched motionless on branches. At night, they hunt insects and small invertebrates.  

The Frogmouth’s enormous bulging eyes wide set on its flattened face give it a perpetually shocked expression. Despite being called ugly, Frogmouths show how diverse nature can be, making them interesting to bird lovers. 

Philippine Eagle 

The Philippine Eagle is one of the ugliest birds in the world, but it is a unique bird of prey. Philippine Eagle is 3 feet tall and has a wingspan of up to 7 feet, making it one of the biggest eagles in the world. Its most noticeable feature is its messy, mane-like crest of long feathers, which gives it a wild look.  

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the ugliest bird in the world
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ugly birds

The eagle has a large, hooked beak and sharp blue-gray eyes, adding to its fierce appearance. Despite being labeled as ugly, the Philippine Eagle has dark brown feathers on its body and a creamy white underside and legs. 

The Philippine Eagle inhabits tropical rainforests of the Philippines and is a top predator. It stays alone, only pairing up to breed. Many consider it one of the ugliest birds due to its strange size and messy look.  

Eastern Wild Turkey 

The Eastern wild turkey is seen as one of the ugliest birds in the world. Eastern wild turkey can weigh up to 24 pounds and 4 feet long. Its appearance contributes to its reputation as an ugly bird, with a featherless, wrinkled head and neck covered in bluish-gray skin. 

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the ugliest bird in the world
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The turkey has fleshy growths called caruncles on its head and a flap of skin called a wattle under its chin. Its body has dark, shiny feathers that can look pretty in some light, but overall, it still seems awkward. 

Eastern wild turkeys live in North American forests and grasslands. They search for nuts, seeds, and insects to eat. Their awkward movements on the ground and their loud gobbles contribute to their reputation as one of the ugliest birds.  

Saddle-Billed Stork 

 The Saddle-billed Stork is called one of the ugliest birds in the world, but it has a unique appearance. This big ugly bird is about 5 feet tall and has a wingspan of up to 9 feet. Its most noticeable feature is its huge, bright red and black bill with a yellow saddle on top. The stork’s body is mostly white, with black wings and tail feathers, and it has long, thin legs. 

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the ugliest bird in the world
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The Saddle-billed Stork lives in sub-Saharan Africa, often found in wetlands, riverbanks, and flood plains. The Saddle-billed Stork is a solitary creature, often seen wading through shallow waters in search of food. It uses its large bill to catch fish, frogs, small reptiles, and even baby crocodiles. 

The stork looks awkward due to its big bill and long legs which makes it one of the ugliest birds. Its clumsy walking and fierce look while hunting also add to this reputation. Even though the Saddle-billed Stork plays an important role in nature, it’s strange shape and bold colors make it seem odd and unattractive to many people. 

King Vulture

The King Vulture is undoubtedly one of the ugliest birds in the world. This large scavenger lives in Central and South America. Its wingspan is up to 2 meters and weighs around 4.5 kg.  

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the ugliest bird in the world
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The King Vulture’s head and neck are bare, revealing wrinkled, colorful skin in shades of red, orange, and yellow. The vulture has a big, hooked beak that helps it to tear dead animals. Its body is mostly white, with black edges on its wings and tail. 

The King Vulture inhabits tropical lowland forests and often soars on thermal currents to find dead animals to eat. Its bald head may look unattractive, but it helps the vulture dive into carcasses without dirtying its feathers. 

Silvery-Cheeked Hornbill 

The Silvery-cheeked hornbill is a large and unique bird found in eastern Africa. It is about 70 to 80 cm long, with males being a bit bigger than females. Its most noticeable feature is its huge, curved bill topped with a large casque. The bird’s feathers are mostly black, with a silvery-grey patch on its cheeks, which is why it has its name. Its eyes are surrounded by bare, blue skin giving it a strange look. 

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the ugliest bird in the world
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These ugly birds inhabit montane and lowland forests, where they play a crucial role in seed dispersal. They are usually seen in pairs or small groups, flying from tree to tree in search of fruits. The Silvery-cheeked hornbill has a strange habit of tossing food into the air before swallowing, contributing to its reputation as one of the ugliest birds in the world. 

Its large bill looks almost grotesque, and its bare facial skin and clumsy movements make it stand out among other hornbills. Despite its appearance, this bird’s unique adaptations are crucial for its survival and ecological role in African forests. 

Northern Bald Ibis 

The Northern bald ibis, also known as the waldrapp, is considered one of the ugliest birds in the world. The Northern bald ibis is about 70 to 80 cm in length with a wingspan of 125 to 135 cm. Its most striking feature is its bald reddish head and long curved beak. The bird’s body is covered in iridescent black feathers giving it a somewhat scruffy appearance. Its legs are long and red. 

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the ugliest bird in the world
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ugly birds

The Northern bald ibis Inhabit rocky dry areas of North Africa and the Middle East. These birds search for insects, lizards, and small mammals in groups. They are social and often nest together on cliff ledges.  

The Northern bald ibis is often called one of the ugliest birds because of its strange features. Its wrinkled featherless head resembles that of a vulture, and its hunched body and messy feathers add to its unattractive look. 

Despite its looks, the Northern bald ibis is critically endangered, so protecting it is essential even if it is considered one of the world’s ugliest birds. 

Blue Footed Booby 

Blue-footed Booby seabird is native to the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is about 32 inches in length with a wingspan of up to 5 feet. Its most striking feature is its bright blue feet, which contrast sharply with its brown and white plumage. The bird has a long, pointed beak and large, pale eyes that give it a somewhat goofy appearance.  

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the ugliest bird in the world
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Blue-footed Booby lives in coastal areas and islands. They dive into the ocean to catch fish. Their mating dance features a high-stepping strut to show off their blue feet, which makes them seem awkward.  

Some people find these birds cute, but their strange shape and colors often put them on lists of ugly birds. Their big feet, long necks, and silly expressions contribute to this reputation.  

What is the Ugliest bird in the World? 

The Marabou Stork is often considered the ugliest bird in the world. It has a bald head, a large, featherless neck pouch, and scruffy feathers, giving it an unappealing appearance to many observers. 

Why are Some Birds Considered Ugly? 

Beauty in birds is subjective and varies by culture and personal taste. Some birds may appear ugly because of unusual traits like wrinkled skin, odd body shapes, or dull colors that don’t match typical ideas of what makes a bird attractive. 

Do Ugly Birds Face Different Survival Challenges? 

Birds that aren’t visually appealing may struggle to find mates because many species depend on looks for courtship. Some ugly features can help them survive. For instance, the marabou stork has a bald head that keeps it clean while scavenging, and the turkey vulture’s featherless head helps it regulate body temperature. 

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